Addanc Reference Manual
Addanc User Guide
Installing Addanc
Installing Addanc
Linux Installation
Addanc is distributed as a Python Distribution Utilities ("distutils")
package. This package installs the Addanc modules into the local
python site-packages directory, copies start-up scripts into either the user's
or the system's local bin
directory, creates a addanctest
working directory in the installer's home directory, and copies default
configuration files into the working directory.
Follow the following steps to install the Addanc Brick, The Addanc
Commander, and the other Addanc components and utilities.
- Download the Addanc distribution from SourceForge.
- Download and install prerequisite software
- Python 2.3 - Addanc uses logging
and language features that require Python 2.3
- M2Crypto - Used
to provide SSL support for HTTPS transactions. (REQUIRED for HTTPS support.)
- OpenSSL - Rebuild with RC5
and IDEA support so that M2Crypto installs properly. (REQUIRED for HTTPS
- SWIG - This is really a
M2Crypto pre-requisite; but you cannot install M2Crypto or use Addanc
without M2Crypto. M2Crypto uses the Simplified Wrapped and Interface Generator, SWIG (Version 1.3.17), to build wrappers for
the OpenSSL functions.
- wxPython - Download and install
this package for GUI support in the Commander. (REQUIRED for the Commander.)
- MySQLdb -
Download and install this package if you plan on using the MySQL
Instrumentation Recorder.
- Addanc is distributed as a Python disutils
source module. This means that the the tar file will extract into a
directory whose name will indicate the version number, and that site
specific installation requirements can be specified in the setup.cfg
file or by using command line switches to setup.py.
The standard distribution package installs the jabber.py
and elementtree
packages automatically.
- Un-tar the Addanc distribution:
>tar -xzvf addanc-0.04.tar.gz
This will create an addanc-0.04
- Set your default directory to the 'new' addanc-0.04
- If you have site specific requirements, edit the setup.cfg file. The
contents of the setup.cfg file, and other detailed information on
customising the setup process, please see the Python
2.3 Distutils documentation.
- Install the Addanc modules, scripts, and working directory:
setup.py install
- Change to the working directory:
- Edit the configuration files to support your testing environment, create a
testing script, and start testing your application with Addanc.
- If you are planning on using the MySQL Instrumentation Recorder, you must
also create an Addanc database on an available MySQL server.
See the Installing Addanc
System Components section of this documentation for more information on
installing the Addanc database.
Distribution Manifest
The standard distribution directory contains a number of directories:
- addanc
- Contains the addanc
modules source code.
- scripts
- Contains a set of startup scripts for the modules, and other installation
support files.
- examples
- Contains a set of example scripts.
- docs
- Look here for the HTML formatted documentation set.
- elementtree
- Contains the elementtree
module source code.
The distutils
setup process will create a build
directory in the distribution. (The setup.cfg
file can be modified to change the location of the build
directory.) The other miscellaneous files in the distribution are artifacts or
part of the distutils
setup process.

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Addanc System Components
Page Updated: 02/10/2004