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Addanc Reference Manual
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Brick/Commander xmlrpc Interface |
Interface |
rpc_halt(self): """ HALT: Stop generating load NOW (PANIC STOP.) Possible Return Values: return "ok" """ |
rpc_stop(self): """ STOP: Stop generating load according to RUNOUT flag. Possible Return Values: return "ok" """ |
rpc_script(self, pickeledScript): """ SCRIPT <Script> Recieve a script specification (in pickled XML format), and create a new script object to be used for the next test (New script will be loaded into thenVC Factory immediatly.) Possible Return Values: return "ok" return "error:arg" """ |
rpc_rate(self, vcsPerMin): """ RATE <VCs/min> A. Specify the arrival rate for the test, or B. Change the arrival rate for the currently running test <vcsPerMin> should be a float() or a string that returns a non-error when evaluated by float() Possible Return Values: return "ok" return "error:arg" """ |
rpc_schedule(self, startTime): """ SCHEDULE <start time> Start a test at <start time> <start time> is a string containing a date/time specification Possible Return Values: return "ok" return "error:arg" """ |
rpc_instrumentation(self, fileName): """ INSTRUMENTATION <filename> Specify the instrumentation file. <filename> is a string containing a path/filename Possible Return Values: return "ok" return "error:arg" """ |
rpc_enableRunout(self, value=True): """ ENABLE RUNOUT Allow VC to complete script at end of test <value> if True, enable run out for scripts, if False, disable runout, abort VCs at end of test Possible Return Values: return "ok" """ |
rpc_returnInstrumentation(self): """ RETURN INSTRUMENTATION Send back the collected instrumentation data Possible Return Values: return "ok" """ RECOMEND: Defer Implementation, needs additional detail and/or justification - EJG |
rpc_resetInstrumentation(self): """ RESET INSTRUMENTATION Start new set of measurements, discard previous instrumentation data Possible Return Values: return "ok" """ RECOMEND: Defer Implementation,needs additional detail and/or justification - EJG |
rpc_status(self): """ STATUS Return status information Possible Return Values: return messageDict where messageDict = { 'resource': string w/ brickID 'state': string with brick state 'activevcs': integer with number of Active VCs 'arrivalrate' : float with specified arrival rate 'arrivalrate_generated_all': float with measured "arrival rate" as generated by this brick 'arrivalrate_generated_last5min': float with measured "arrival rate" as generated by this brick during the last 5 minutes 'arrivalrate_generated_last1min': float with measured "arrival rate" as generated by this brickduring the last minute 'bsent_all': integer sent byte count for all transactions during the test 'bsent_last5min': integer sent byte count for all transactions during the last 5 minutes 'bsent_last1min': integer sent byte count for all transactions during the last minute 'brecv_all': integer recvbyte count for all transactions during the test 'brecv_last5min':integer recvbyte count for all transactions during the last 5 minutes 'brecv_last1min': integer recv byte count for all transactions during the last minute } """ Note: This message response is not currently implemented. Requesting feedback. |
Current AddancBrick HEARTBEAT Interface |
messageDict = { 'resource':self._jabberConnection._brickID, 'state':self._state, 'newvcqueuedepth':self._newVCQ.qsize(), 'runqueuedepth':self._runQ.qsize(), 'processqueuedepth':self._processQ.qsize(), 'waitqueuedepth':self._waitQ.qsize(), 'internalwaitqueuedepth':self._vcWaitQProcessor.getWaitQDepth(), 'selectsend':len(self._vcTxnGenerator._sendPendingVCs), 'selectreceive':len(self._vcTxnGenerator._recvPendingVCs 'vc_active': activeVCcount # integer count of currently active VCs 'vc_new': vcStartAccounting #integer count of new/started VCs 'vc_success': suc #integer count of successful script completions 'vc_fail': fail #integer count of failed Vcs 'vc_abort': abort #integer count of aborted VCs } |
Message dispatched via: jabberConnection.sendXMLMessageTo(jid=.commanderJID, xml=xmlrpclib.dumps((messageDict,))) |