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Addanc User Guide

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Brick User Guide

Script Files

Script file XML Specification

The Addanc script file lists the specific URLs that should be accessed during a test run. Each Virtual Client will generate  HTTP/HTTPS Post or Get transactions to the URLs specified in the script file. Multiple URLs may be grouped into pages (representing either framesets or the basic HTML of a page and its associated graphics.) Pages and individual URLs may be given user specified identification strings that can be used as identification tags when analyzing the response time instrumentation files..

The specific script XML specifications are:

XML Specification
<script id="Script_ID">

... script page entries ...

The id specification is mandatory. The id argument must be surrounded by single or double quotes.

The <script> entry contains one or more <page> entries.
<page id="Page_ID">

... page URL entries ...
The id specification is optional. The id argument must be surrounded by single or double quotes.

The <wait> entry specifies the time, in seconds, to wait before proceeding to the next page in the script after fetching the last <url> entry in this page. If a <wait> entry is not specified, Addanc uses a wait time of 0.000 seconds.

A page entry contains one or more <url> entries.
<url id="url_ID">

HTTP/HTTPS entries


op="GET|POST" >
The id specification is optional. The id argument must be surrounded by single or double quotes.

The scheme of the specified URL may be either http:// or https://

The op specification is used to select the http method used to fetch the specified URL. The op specification may be omitted,  it defaults to GET.

field key="key" value="value">
Specify a query string to be attached to the specified URL.
ormfield name="key" TYPE = "HIDDEN|RADIO|TEXT|OPTION..." value="value">
Specify the form fields and contents to be returned as a POST for this form.

Note: The "value" of the form field may be specified either through the value option inside the formfield specification.

Sample Script XML

The following is a properly formatted AddancBrick script:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<script id ='MyScript'>
    <page id="Page1">
        <url id="TestSite"></url>
    <page id='PageA'>
        <url id="Potus"></url>
    <page id='PageB'>

The following is a properly formatted AddancBrick script that includes form submits and querystrings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!-- Enter your XML here -->
<script id ='CGI_Test_001' code="">
    <page id='WestWingHome'>
        <url id="Potus"></url>
    <!-- Try some operation tag syntax -->
    <page id='WestWingLogin'>
        <url id="PotusLogin" op="post">
           <formfield name="loginid" type="text">joeg</formfield>
           <formfield name="passwd" type="password">geoj</formfield>
    <page id='WWFederalist'>
        <url id="FederalistQuery" op="get">
           <addfield key="dz" value="joeg" />
           <addfield key="pp">ral</addfield>
    <page id='WWQuaker'>
        <url id="QuakerQuery" op="post">
           <formfield name="pp" type="radio"></formfield>
           <formfield name="re" type="option">Quaker</formfield>
           <formfield name="dz" type="hidden">ok</formfield>
    <page id='WestWingLogout'>
        <url id="Logout">
           <addfield key="loginid" value="joeg" />
           <addfield key="logout">ok</addfield>

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Page Updated: 01/20/2004